Know no limits

Dear friends, you know that nothing is impossible in this world. You can achieve anything in your life. In our life we have read out lot of successful stories of successful people, but sometimes, one question arises in our mind invariably that, how they can achieve everything in their life. On the other hand, why are we not able to get anything? Then what is the difference between both common person and successful.

In today’s discussion we will try to get answer of above description.

At the outset of the discussion, I am very eager to share a inspirational story regarding with above discussion point. You know science assumes that, If any bird in this world which weight is heavy than its wings can’t fly. You have seen beetle, It’s body weight is heavy than its wings but it can fly. Why? because beetle doesn’t know what is the science assumption about it. There is no confusion in its mind. It has confidence Itself that, I can fly. Human life is an like an echo sound. Whatever you think or give to another, you get return the same. Once a little boy was scolded by her mother, he annoyed and shouted at his mother and left the house saying , ‘I hate you, I hate you’. When he reached to the valley and shouted “I hate you”. loudly over there and within a second became startled hearing the same sound from the valley. He became so anxious hearing the same sound. He frightened and left that place and came to his house. He narrated whole story to his mother. He said that, in that valley there is sitting a wicked person and makes the same voice like me. When mother listened all incident by her son she got all the incident. She said to her son, you have to go to that valley and do the same activity. After your activity you have to listen carefully until you will not get the point. He tried lot of time, then he realized that, the same voice was coming back through the valley. The boy understood the whole matter. He realized that, what he was shouting, getting  the same. The moral you get that, whatever you give to others you get the same.

If you have some dreaden thoughts, regarding the thoughts you go ahead and you will receive dreaden result. You may have heard the story from the  life of Thomas Alva Edison. He was 5-6 year old. His mother admitted him in the adjacent  school. After a week one incident happened  in his life. He came back from the school with a scribbled note. He showed to his mother happily saying that, “My teacher gave me something for you. “When she opened and read out completely. She became so anxious and her eyes became watery. Seeing the face of his mother Thomas said, “Mother, why have you become so serious after reading this?” Mother replied, “don’t worry my child”. “There is nothing to worry.” “All is well”. But my son from tomorrow you need not to go to school, because your teacher is saying that, Your child is so brilliant. Our school does not have such a brilliant teacher to teach to your child. So, admit him to another school. After that, Edison’s mother started to teach him at home. So many years went by. Now, Thomas Alva Edison had become well known world famous scientist. One day, he visited his old house. He opened the iron box and saw there one notes abruptly. All incident stood before his eyes, he remembered old incident and he realized that, my mother eyes had become watery having read this notes. I should know what had written in that notes given by my teacher. When he read out, he became startled.

The notes was saying that, “Your Tommy is totally deaf, he is not able to learn, thats why, our school is cancelling his admission “. That time he realized that, how great her mother was for him, because of her he could achieve anything. He though that, if my mother had told me real thing. I could not have reached such a high point. She knew my potential and grew me. He also realized that there is no limit. You can achieve anything in your life. No one can decide your destiny. You can make your own destiny.

In 1914 when Edison was 67 years old his factory destroyed in the fire. He lost millions of dollars wealth in that fire.

Having happened the incident he put his opinion about the incident. He says that, How destroy is valuable in human’s life. It burnt all my mistakes, What I have made while making the experiment.

Dear friends, our life is beset with a lot of obstacles. There are so many obstacles are coming in our life. Sometimes we get inspiration and good consequences from that obstacles help us to be obedient and give us faith and dare. We can’t manage the balance of our mind because of doubts and fear.

If you are thinking you can defeat, definitely you can defeat.

If you are thinking you do not have dare definitely, you can loose your dare.

If there is any doubt in your mind that, I can’t win, definitely you can’t get any achievement in your life.

If you have to get success in your life then ” KNOW NO LIMITS”.


(State Teacher Award recipient)

School Z. P. M.U.P. School Hingna Karegaon, Cluster Palshi Block Khamgaon, Dist Buldhana

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