Tips for Emotional and Mental Wellbeing

According to research carried out by Education Support, most of the  teachers have faced physical or mental health issues in the last few months because of their work, and 53% have considered leaving as a result. However, mental health is something we’re getting better at talking about. Making sure we’re aware of the issues and discussing them openly can really help. During the uncertain and challenging times of lockdown looking after your own mental health and wellbeing, and also that of your students, is key.

Here are my tips for looking after your emotional and mental wellbeing, which I hope will be useful when offering advice to your students too.

Recognising that your wellbeing matters

During this uncertain time, when so much focus is on providing the best possible teaching tools and advice to students, it can be easy to put your own mental wellbeing to the bottom of the pile. Be sure to structure your day and take regular breaks, to focus on yourself.


Share practical tips and strategies with your colleagues and peers, through virtual meetings, online forums or even daily emails. Talk about how you have dealt with a particular issue or how you have structured an online lesson. Make the most of the huge network of teachers around you to guide one another through this ‘new norm’.

Looking after your mind

Mindfulness and meditation are just a couple of ways in which you can give your mind a break from any stresses, worries and negative thoughts. Read up online, try out a few techniques and find out what works best for you. Schedule these activities into your daily routine.

Looking after your body

Our bodies are interrelated with our mental and emotional health. What are some of the things that you would do with your body to help relieve stress? During your breaks, give them a go; it could be keep fit, dancing or even breathing exercises – all can work towards a calmer outlook and can really help combat anxiety and stress. Building winning attitude through Health and Happiness.

Finding things that bring you joy

Take time to remember and think about things that bring you joy. Use these things to help you to relax in your spare time. This could be anything from arts, crafts, reading, baking and nature. All are extremely important to continue with and will help you to retain a sense of purpose. Unlocking the  happiness in the time of uncertainties .

You’ll have seen this phrase everywhere, but it’s an unprecedented time. It’s okay to not be the perfect online teacher, you’ve only just started! Remember that you’re doing your best. Talk to yourself as you would talk to a colleague and be kind. This can be an opportunity to learn new skills, but rarely is anyone brilliant at something the first time they try.

Stay safe!

Mrs. Premjit Gatigante

Shriniwas Bagarka

Junior College,

Andheri  East, Mumbai 9167447816

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