Everyone wants to speak English but can’t, why? Because they don’t know basic English, so I would like to share my thoughts on Spoken English and I am going to tell you the easiest way to speak English. Firstly we have to know that how could we learn our mother tongue? Who taught us? Answer is nobody, but we cannot learn English language as we learnt our mother tongue because English is not our mother tongue .It’s a foreign language so it will take some time to learn. In day to day life we have to face many problems if you don’t know English. You have to note down that English is just another language it can be learnt by practice .It is said that grammar is a soul of language but if you don’t know language so it is useless to learn grammar so firstly we have to know language then you can learn grammar .You know that firstly language had been created and then grammar .English language and communication skill are different from each other ,if you know grammar it does not meant that you are a good speaker .There are the educated but they don’t speak in English and other  people who don’t know grammar speak in English fluently why? They only focus on communication not on grammar .While speaking if you commit mistakes, doesn’t matter. Don’t afraid of making mistakes , mistakes make you strong .Learn from every mistake but, If you write anything in English that time you have to follow the rules of grammar but in speaking ,grammar is not important as we think. 20years back we learnt English just a third language but toady it is one of the most important languages. You know importance of English language. I would like to tell you that how could I learn English speaking. According to my experience I give here some importance tips for learning English. if you follow the following tips, I assure you that you will be able to speak in English within no time.

How to improve English?

Hello every English learner I am going to show you the methods by which you can improve your English.

English is a global language and if someone is really interested to learn English, it can be learnt easily by following way.

There are five components of English language and you have to practice all of them in order to become fluent in English.

Five components are: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Thinking.

1. Listening: Listening is an art and if you are master in it, surely you are going to be a great speaker. A good listener is always a good speaker. So listen English everyday at least 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. You can record you own voice or use YouTube, TV for videos. There are many videos available on YouTube. You can listen to English news, subtitled films Marathi into English or Hindi.

2. Speaking: We must talk everyday in English in order to achieve fluency. So many people are afraid to speak because they are shy what other people will think if I will make mistakes, mistakes are very common so don’t worry about mistakes just try to express yourself. In the beginning everybody does mistakes. And always try to make new friends who are willing to improve their English as practice with them as much as possible. If you don’t have friends, so try to talk to yourself in front of the mirror. Recite words and use in your daily communication. Minimum 10words in a day you have to recite and more than 500 hundred sentences you have to write or speak using those words.

3. Reading: Reading is also an art. It’s not necessary if we will read a lot, we will improve faster. If you read 10 pages but you can’t learn something new, it’s better to read two pages and read carefully. And do not try to remember, try to understand, once you understand then you don’t need to remember.

4. Writing: In reading part you read two pages. You have to take 8 to 12 correct grammatical sentences from those two pages and you have to write down in your notebook. And read them frequently and loudly. Try to remember whole sentences rather than individual word meaning because if you know complete sentence then you can speak it very quickly. writing skill makes you stronger at grammar as well as in speaking. If you write something in English you will not forget it easily, so write as much as you can.

5. Thinking: Thinking is very important part of spoken English because whatever you can think, you can speak. So make a habit to think in English. Everything takes time. In the beginning it will be difficult but when you will practice and practice it will be part of your memory and once it becomes your habit them English will come naturally from your mouth. Think in English and try to speak English, whatever in your mind. You have to know that English is not our mother tongue it will take some time to learn.

Kailas Khasbhage SMC COLLEGE,

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