Behavior Problems affecting Teaching-Learning Process

         Teachers usually reported that these disturbing behaviors in the classroom are intolerable and stress-provoking and they had to spend a great deal of time and energy to manage the classroom. Obviously, student misbehaviors retard the smoothness and effectiveness of teaching

           The teaching profession has become more difficult due to distracting student behaviors in which teachers lack the skills to manage classroom behaviors. Behavior problem distract other students from learning and require teachers to spend precious instruction time on discipline and behavior management.

          Teachers are committed to helping all their students including those with behavioral issues. Teachers need more professional development and training to meet the needs of students with behavioral issues.

          Teachers think that, when we faces misbehavior all or most of the time. It can be tempting to feel that this misbehavior is premeditated. When a well – planned and well – managed lesson goes wrong, it is natural to become defensive. We put a great deal of hard work in to our lessons. Why don’t our students appreciate this? Surely, we start to believe, that they have ganged together before hand and decided to disrupt our lessons? While it is certainly true that there are some students who make a conscious decision to misbehave.

        There is a whole range of complex reason behind student misbehavior. Students will misbehave due to lack of attention, lack of confidence, peer pressure, different socio-economic condition, stress etc. They lose their motivation because they find the work too hard. So they get low scores in assessment & they start to disrupt the class. It is a fact that some students are simply not all that interested in some of the subjects that they are taught. So they behave badly in class. Some students have problem at home. So they misbehave in the class.

  So teacher should understand that Some time students also want break, they want to do study but they also want a healthy communication with teacher so at that time teacher should allow them to talk because a healthy communication ends on a good suggestion. We can understand that a good teacher is one who can keep the class quiet but it does not mean that one who keep the class working.

              One of the basic truths in education is that quality of education depends largely upon the quality of the teacher. Teaching is not only monologue but it is a dialogue with the development of students – intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually.

At the end, it is a duty of teacher to teach his/her subject with dedication so teacher should know about their subject. Teacher should know content of subject, understand concept then teacher can explain things clearly to the students.        

Students always want such teacher who believes in them and motivate them to work hard.

Mrs. Charushila Sanjay Bahare

M. K. Junior College, Chinchani Tal Dahanu, Dist Palghar

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